Bolbitus Dragon Tail Fern - 3-4+ Leaf Aquarium Fish Tank Aquatic Plant RARE
Bolbitus Dragon Tail Fern - 3-4+ Leaf Aquarium Fish Tank Aquatic Plant RARE
The Bolbitus dragon tail fern, is similar to the mini bolbitus 'Bolbitus heteroclita', where it possesses three pointed ends. However, the leaves of this fern are larger, measuring 20-25cm in length and displaying a slightly darker shade of green.
As an epiphyte, it can be securely attached to rocks or driftwood with aquarium-safe glue they cannot be buried in substrate. To ensure optimal growth, it is recommended to use a comprehensive liquid fertiliser to provide all necessary micro and macro nutrients.
Chloe’s Aquatic Centre exclusively uses and recommends AquaLabs Liquid Fertilisers. Please select the appropriate option, or contact us if you have any questions.
Low Tech Tank (No CO2, Low-Med Light) But high fish load - Easy Grow Lite
Low Tech Tank (No CO2, Low-Med Light) - But low fish load - Easy Grow
High Tech Tank (CO2) Planted, but adjusted Macro nutrients for less algae & easier maintenance - Lean Grow
High Tech Tank (CO2) Lots of Plants - Max Grow
Being a slow grower, CO2 and water chemistry consistency is encouraged for optimal growth. Slight melt back may be observed within a few weeks of adding to tank, with this species patience is key.
Photograph/s and product descriptions are all owned by Chloe's Aquatic Centre. Please do not use, steal or copy without written permission.
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